Weight loss with medication

Lose an average of 1 kilo per week with medication and specialized counseling.

Weight loss with medication

Lose an average of 1 kilo per week with medication and specialized counseling.

Modern weight loss method.

Afslanken.nl optimizes weight management with specialist guidance for medical weight loss.

Medical weight loss with guidance

Afslanken.nl works with 90-day weight loss plan for sleeping, eating and exercising with possible supporting medication. Based on our experience, the medication, administered by mini-prick injection or tablets, works by relying on a substance that occurs naturally in the body and reduces the feeling of hunger. This gives peace of mind in the body and head and offers a better chance of success of the 90-day plan.


Specialist guidance

Weight loss at Afslanken.nl is always under medical supervision. There is a medical intake where participants fill out a questionnaire and then have a conversation with a specialist. Participants have weekly contact with their regular practitioner. Every month participants come to the clinic for check-ups and weigh-ins. Together we keep a close eye on the progress of weight loss. As well as possible complaints during treatment. A lifestyle coach can also be part of the treatment team.

M.C. Van Boreen, Internist.

BIG-nr 09065920001

Medisch team afslanken.nl

Is weight loss with medication
right for me?

On average, Afslanken.nl participants are 18 kilos overweight at the start

All participants are weighed at the start of the program. Their average BMI is 34.6. This shows that on average participants have to lose 18 kilos to get their BMI below 25. [source Afslanken.nl]

Experience survey

Lose 1 kilo per week

In an initial experience study among Afslanken.nl participants in the Netherlands, an average weight loss of 1 kilogram per week was found to be possible in the first two months of treatment [source Afslanken.nl]

Marit van Boreen – Internist Afslanken.nl

Marit has extensive experience with medication and clients for weight reduction. From the clinic, she knows that losing weight is a difficult journey for many.

Anne Moazzeni – Personal coaching

“I guide our participants in the process of losing weight. Every day I am in contact with them. It is beautiful to experience that participants achieve extraordinary results with their weight. I see people shine again.”

Still have questions?

Call or email us. Our professional team is ready to answer all your questions.

Contact us

Locations in:

Amsterdam – Apeldoorn – Den Haag – Rotterdam – Utrecht – ‘s-Hertogenbosch – 

Amsterdam – Apeldoorn – Den Haag – Rotterdam – Utrecht – ‘s-Hertogenbosch – 

Amsterdam – Apeldoorn – Den Haag – Rotterdam – Utrecht – ‘s-Hertogenbosch – 

Amsterdam – Apeldoorn – Den Haag – Rotterdam – Utrecht – ‘s-Hertogenbosch – 

Amsterdam – Apeldoorn – Den Haag – Rotterdam – Utrecht – ‘s-Hertogenbosch – 

Weight loss treatments

Depending on your weight and motivation, together we will discuss which course is most suitable for you.

€575 / month
6-month program

Average 8-12% weight loss

Medication treatment (tablets)

Consultation with a doctor

Intensive guidance

Medical check (blood test)

Treatment location
near you

Sustainable results

Start your journey

€575 - 775 / month
6-month program

Average 12-15% weight loss

Medication treatment (injection)

Consultation with a doctor

Intensive guidance

Medical check (blood test)

Coaching session with a dietitian

Sustainable results

Start your journey

€875 / month
6-month program
* Only in NH

Average 15-21% weight loss

Medication treatment (injection)

Consultation with a doctor

Intensive guidance

Medical check (blood test)

Coaching session with a dietitian

At-home service

Start your journey

Before we start:

To qualify for treatment, you start with a medical intake at Afslanken.nl. A blood test is a standard part of this. The treatment is only prescribed if you are significantly overweight (BMI >27). This is determined on the basis of your BMI. During the medical intake your personal motivation for the treatment program will also be discussed.

Make an appointment